Monday, May 24, 2010

Rainbow HST Quilt

I've been really enjoying Red Pepper Quilt's blog lately, and I recently felt inspired by the HST (half-square triangle) Overload quilt. I enjoy the shapes and the bright rainbow colors are really appealing to me right now. You can see from my pile of scraps the sort of bright, sunny colors I'm going for. I cut a bunch of 5" squares (pairs of each color, plus extras to use on other quilts):
I paired up light and dark colors, marked a diagonal on the light-colored square, and sewed a seam 1.4" to each side of the diagonal line. Here they are, ready to be ironed; you can tell I still haven't quite mastered the art of sewing an even seam on the bias (diagonal to the grain of the fabric), as they're a bit wrinkly:
Then I cut them apart on the marked line, like so:
Which gives two pairs of triangles sewn together!
When you unfold them, you get half-square triangles!
I originally tried just trimming off the triangular bits from the seams,
but in the end I had to trim them down to 4.5" squares. Trimming about 1/8" allowed me to square them up again, as my imperfect sewing & ironing meant they weren't all quite...quite. Also, 4.5" squares simplify the math from here on out!
I can't wait to assemble them and see what it'll be like!

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