Tuesday, May 25, 2010

HST adventure, continued

I'm having lots of fun with my rainbow quilt! Here are the HST blocks I have assembled so far; they will be 8" square when they're all sewn together:
I have some more that are most of the way assembled; one seam left to go!
I think when they all go together in the quilt top, I'll have a pretty good mix of colors. Nice and rainbow-y, which is the mood I'm in right now! You can see that I've decided to try an "everything but purple" color scheme. Unusual for me, since purple is a color that really speaks to me, but I started with bright pinks, greens, yellow and orange, and decided to try one of these "leave one color out" color schemes I've read about but never tried. We'll see how it goes! My triangle sewing leaves something to be desired, but I think I'm getting better.

I really hope to get some more blocks assembled this weekend!

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